November 2017

In November and December 2017, I got many new macros and I faced space crisis that cost me dearly - due to unforeseen lack of space, I lost a few of my corals and my large kenya tree.

Yes, you have to plan ahead before you get anything in your tank.  Well, I was surprised by the volume of new macros - they were suitable for much bigger tanks then mine little 14 gallon one.

I could not afford to have bigger tank or tanks mainly because of lack space and, right.  So, I got even smaller tank, 5G and moved corals and things around.  And, yes, I had to sell most of my new macros immediately to avoid loosing them too.

If you have bigger tanks or some unused ones then surely, you can experiment and make one dedicated to macros in the best case.  Do not put there fish that would eat them or make some wall type structure separating macro area from fish area.  This way fish will be providing food for macros in a form of their..waste and macro will be a good source of for fish if and when you decide to trim them.

Having macros requires a bit of setting and paying attention to unwanted green or brown algea outbreaks.  Get full spectrum light, but not too strong and some power heads to move water around - again, not to strong as some macros will be floating around.

Yes, some macros do not have "roots" and they will have to be attached by strings to rocks to avoid floating around.  And some macro will glue themselves to small rocks or substrate or even develop roots.

As with everything relating to marine tanks, there is a lot to learn about macros and it will be a nice step to start with a few of them and see how they grow.  Observe their life cycle - how they are born in a tank, be very tiny and grow larger.  Later, they may die too.

Add more and see how they interact with each other. How they can form living carpets and fill the tank making macro tank only environment.  Now is a time for you to start one.

Yet, before you start creating your own underwater macro paradise, see how mine was progressing and later I will show you how other hobbyists achieved spectacular successes having extraordinary Macro Gardens!

Have a pleasurable time!

I also introduced gorgonias to my collection.

....and more macros...

... and yes, there was more - I got some Sponges too ..

(Copyright note: I would be happy if you give me at least credit and inform me where you use my pictures!)

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